New Anker Store Layout

Remember when you signed up for Anker and it said you would get $30 free, but then you found out it was not for Amazon and it was an amount off other purchases? And then you found out that there aren’t very many products even available to order via and there wasn’t an easy way to see which ones were?

Well, that’s all been fixed now. Not only are more products available in general, but it’s much easier to see which ones are available instead of having to go through each one.

I have to say, Anker has really been improving their website lately. Now, immediately to the left of Brands, you will see Shop.

What’s more? Not only will you be able to purchase Anker products, but also from Anker’s other brands. Right now, Eufy and Roav are the only others, but more are sure to follow!

What do you all think about this way to shop? Will you finally use those coupons or will you be sticking to Amazon? Let me know!

And, of course, I couldn’t publish this post without mentioning Anker’s new informative Power Delivery site.


I also noticed it this afternoon !

The coupons disappeared. I can’t find them under the profile tab

It’s under the shopping cart, then my rewards.

Found it. My Cart and My Orders Where the only two things to pop up under the tab. Now My Address and My Rewards have shown up

I see the older version of the LC40 and LC90 are there. Hopefully the updated versions and more products will show up soon as the coupons expire on the 16th.

Try pressing plus. :wink:

consolidation is always something i like to see :smiley:

I didn’t press + and they showed up magically. I just came back to the Home Improvement tab after browsing. this sheds some light

I may be ordering soon, just waiting on my back pay at my second job

Shame it’s limited to the US only :cry: Thanks for posting for the US members though :smile:

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That might explain how they can give $150 free they can make their own site codes work better than Amazon where codes are not per person and can be reused.

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The only change I could see being needed is the overlap on the right side.


These often overlap with the description of the product.

Or they may just have us message @AnkerOfficial and she will set up the orders. Perhaps that would explain the limit of 5 products.

Looks lovely. Anyone know what products are on the biking video? There is a Power bank with a clip to secure it to the bike and a phone clamp. Not sure if this is Ankers though.

Still no store for UK folk. Just redirects to Amazon (not that I have a problem with that :slight_smile: )

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Nice find, @joshuad11 ! Although, due to the shipping cost, I’ll probably stick with Amazon.

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I think shipping is free for orders more than $28.

I vaguely remember that. Was this around the time that they use to do Birthday buck giveaways? :frowning: None for me.

Great find on this. Thanks @joshuad11. I do like the new layout. Although, I can’t say that I have ever purchased anything from their store. I’ve always somehow, ended up on Amazon. Probably because their codes were for Amazon. Either way, I do like the new layout. It definitely makes it less confusing and a cleaner experience. I just literally sat here on my iMac looking at all the cables they had. I’ve decided that I want to replace all my cables with the Power+ because I can’t stand the twisting and tangles cables I have all over the place. ARRGGHHH!!! Just waiting for that big sale :wink:

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I used the mobile version of the site and it still has the old layout. This newer version is very well put together