Need some charging station advice and setup?

So we have a ton of devices and chargers scattered everywhere so I built a shelf under an existing desk. Mitered it out and put in an Anker Power Port 10 Wireless charger in the wood. Works great, So that takes care of the note 9, I have a pixel so I need (want PD) for fast charging so I picked up the PS PD5 So that had me covered and I have 4 ports at 2.4A but I still have 2 phones for family members that also support Fast Charging. Granted fast charging is not always needed especially if your phone is just sitting idle, but sometimes you forget etc and all 4 phones are low on juice and your leaving in 45 minutes, so you want to maximize your charging.

Any suggestions on How I can get PD (I have a pixel so it has to be pd) and 2 other QC 3.0 compatible outlets in one box. or something with more than 2 QC 3.0 ports. Trying my best to streamline the wiring mess etc.

Most chargers tend to be PD or QC ports plus IQ ports. The overall wattage driven through the system tends to get hot when you run both in one package. The powerport Speed II might help you though, it is a dual QC 3.0, or the PowerPort Speed 5 with dual QC and 4 IQ. Not sure how else to make it work well though.

First off if you plan on mounting a charger inside an enclosed wooden box I highly suggest considering ventilation by either drilling holes in the wood before you glue everything together or leaving at least a quarter inch air gap between the box and chargers.

A large cigar box would work nicely and give you a room to store the cables when they are not in use. Many cigar shops sell old boxes for $1.

I would pick up two Powerport II 's
They are PD and power IQ 2.0/quick charge 3.0 compatible.