Nebula capsule iPhone app won’t connect

Hi everyone,
I’ve some issues with the nebulae capsule and my iPhone. (More specifically the nebula connect app)
I really hope someone here can help me. (Google couldn’t :smiley:)

Here’s the issue:
I want to use the nebula connect app for remote control, but the app won’t stay connected. (= it’s connected for 2 seconds, then starts reconnecting) When starting the app, a message pops up, saying that I have to update the firmware of the capsule. (Which I did already).
However if I reset the capsules firmware and Update to the latest Version ( again) the app works perfectly fine. Then, after turning off the capsule and restarting (5 min later; next day; next week…) the app won’t stay connected.
I deleted the app and downloaded it again as well. It did not help at all.

My solution so far is to reset the capsule every time I „need“ to use the app as a remote. But I’m tired of re-installing all Apps and entering the log in data. :unamused:

Anyone has similar issues or -preferably- the Solution?

Thanks in advance!

What is the version of Nebula connect? Is it the latest version (released 2 days back) or is the issue from.ever since you started using the capsule with connect.

I would suggest updating iPhone app to latest

Well…now I feel like an idiot! :smile:

It works fine now, after deleting and redownloading the new app.

Thanks for the advise and fast reply! :wink:



Glad it’s resolved and working for you!

Happy for you! :slightly_smiling_face: instead of delete and download, you could just hit the update button?
Anyways, it worked and the resolves the issue.

Thanks for the advice, but Updating the app did not resolve the issue. My phone wasn’t able to even find the capsule after updating. Thus I deleted the app and downloaded it again. Then it worked :wink: