My soundbuds tag left earbud stopped working

I’ve had my soundbuds for the past 2 years or so and are my favorite headphones I’ve ever owned by far, as well as being among the longest-surviving. The left earbud just up and stopped working a couple of days ago and I really want to fix it. I’m guessing I’m out of warranty, and cannot get a replacement, which is fine, just so long as someone can provide me with a way to fix them myself. I’m just not ready to part ways with them :frowning:

I need to warn you before hand, that these most likely can’t be fixed.

I will try to help you if you let me know what model buds you have.

Hey! Thank you for reaching out! They are SoundBuds Tag, bought on the official Anker AliExpress store in November 2017.

Okay, here’s my suggestion. First delete the pairing information from your phone (or other device). Then turn off Bluetooth. Then, on the earbuds In standby mode press and hold the ’ + ’ and ’ - ’ buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds. Turn Bluetooth on, on your phone, and pair them.

Let me know if this works!


Did not work, sadly. If you have any other suggestions, I’d be happy to try them.

If it’s only the left earbud I would be leaning more towards hardware failure, possibly internal wire breakage leading to the earbud.

You could try dropping an email to see if they can offer any further suggestions or to see if your possibly still covered by your warranty…


Have you tried clean im ng them? Possibly even removing the mesh screen cover and making sure they are not gunked up on the inside. Many have reported sound issues where one ear stops working and a good cleaning helps to restore the volume

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Yeah, I’ve even removed the mesh and tried compressed air to see if any pesky dust was causing the issue. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking, too. I’ll try dropping them an email, but in the case that they don’t have a solution to the issue, is there a way for me to access the internal wiring myself?