My power line charger broke what do I do

The tip of my anker charger broke and I think it’s under warranty what do I do

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@gwstarkey.gws May be a picture would help. As a health & safety issue (to avoid any short-circuit / electrical shock while using) , I would advice not to use the charger, try alternate chargers

Contact Anker Support for warranty

Best of luck!

I don’t think it would be hazardous or for that matter the tip is separate from the cord so I don’t think I’ll be using that charger any time soon :sweat_smile:

It is better safe than sorry :wink: you are the better judge of how bad / good the equipment is!

Is it Anker Powerline Cable or Anker PowerPort Charger adapter?

It’s the tip that goes into the phone

Hey @gwstarkey.gws
If it’s under warranty you have two options really.
Either get your retailer to exchange it or as @Shenoy has mentioned get a photo or screen grab of your receipt and make contact with support.

Hope Anker replaces it for you

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So as it turns out I can’t replace it so I will just get the powerline+ iii

Did the Anker support reply back?

That’s a pretty good choice

Yes but lost the proof of purchase :disappointed:

Where did you purchase it. Amazon, Walmart, target?

I picked it up at Walmart