March 2018 Forum Update (and "ankerstoreadmin")

All the signs are there is some kind of software upgrade going on and i’m getting notification for what appears basically buggy software. Does not appear to be a hack (so far).

So ignore til it settles down.


Yup, I just opened my Anker for the first time today and seen 38 new… I almost passed out.


Yeah, it can be ignored.
Community will be updated by the end of March, so you may gradually find some new features.:grin:


Probably the most active members see it the most. Seems to be a new forum structure and notification of threads being moved.

A little warning would have helped, I’m initially thinking we were hacked or something else, you used up 2 minutes of my time figuring it was harmless.

I expect this to wrattle on here for a while

via Imgflip Meme Generator


I was thinking of writing a notice and then I saw that you had already posted.:joy:


I was just like damn! What do we got going here?

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Glad you posted @nigelhealy
I was gonna too…saw this and went oh great someone’s creating all these new threads for points
And then I had one if my reviews moved to the new section and realized what it was

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Knew the upgrade was coming with a rolling structure over March but yes a mention w/c would have been good for users…

Queue a few more threads like these I suspect

Well I was just about to create one lol

Can see all the categories have been split into product and saw a few edits and wondered what was going on.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Some changes are not valid in the test environment, so we are forced to use this approach. Otherwise, the forum need to close for a few days.:cry:


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It’s all good. It’s nice to see what’s happening in.

Happy to do some testing for you in the testing/UAT environment if you need helpers :thumbsup:

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Hahaha you guys all beat me to it. I was wondering why there were 2 notifications for my threads with the name ankerstoreadmin. It was odd that nothing on my thread changed though. Good to know it’s all good. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am responsible for the design and development of all company websites and community. There will be many changes to the community from today. We look forward to everyone’s feedback.


Good to see another Anker employee on the site. Also liking the new new design so far, modern looking and not overly bright white :smile: :thumbsup:

Loving the new changes so far, I really like how on the home page you have all the companies listed and can easily be navigated to. I also like how you broke down each section of each brand so you can quickly see and find reviews, ask questions, or just general product discussion

One suggestion, is to make the unread post highlighted in Bold or some way to differentiate it from the other read post. This way it’s easier to see what you have or have not read. Keep up the good work

Loving the new changes so far. Colour coding the categories etc.

I’m seeing 2 “New” sections instead of Latest and New

All my precious posts are categorised by this admin.