Land a Lucky Number | Are You Destined to Win a 3 Year Anniversary Prize?

Bummer! I know about Anker community too late! I lost my chance for the drawing! :frowning_face:

Stick around and maybe more will come. Christmas is just around the corner after all :wink:

Hi @AnkerOfficial as mentioned in my post under the other thread, there was no one at home at the time that could have taken receipt or signed… yes I’ve already checked with my close neighbours…

Asked for an update from Hermes today and after speaking with courier they could not ascertain what has happened with my parcel so it will now be pushed to the regional manager to ask where it was left (doorstep is my past experience) or who signed (drivers John Hancock to clear the job) for it…

My Life P2 are keeping me company and entertained instead at present :slightly_smiling_face:

Just got delivery of my package, I got the liberty Air 2. Will testing this week before compiling my thoughts


I’m ordering the liberty air 2 as soon as my coupon comes.

And before you say something, yes, I had a change of heart. I really want them now lol

Congrats on winning them.

Btw, is it just me, or does it seem like anker tried to send me what I asked for (sort of). Everyone else got liberty air 2, and I got a USB-C Input/output battery pack which is what I was hoping for. Maybe anker was listening :innocent:


Yea they listen, even when we think they dont they do. Remember I was complaining about flossycarters review of the air 2, now I get to make my video of these which hopefully will be better


Likewise, just got mine in today. Thank you again @AnkerOfficial!

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Hi @AnkerOfficial , unfortunately it’s a dead end from Hermes…PM sent of Hermes case notes and CCTV grabs of delivery so you can follow up / claim from Amazon …

That’s a real shame. My liberty air 2 should be here this week- but maybe early next week. I couldn’t resist them at this point lol

Nice prizes received by most (@ndalby too when he gets sorted :crossed_fingers:t2:)

I got mine too.
Earbuds Liberty 2 (No hissing, but a lot of fumbling till they fitted)
Ears to old and worn out! :rofl:

Thank you ANKER for this nice present.


Congratulations for Liberty 2 Pro!!

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Liberty 2, not 2 pro

Still waiting for an update or response on PM :grin: So it’s this for the moment…

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OK, We will claim form Amazon. But we need your final confirmation on December 6th. Because claiming from Amazon, we need to confirm with the customer 10 working days after the packet is lost, so that we can claim successfully.

Hi @AnkerOfficial Did you receive my PM with Hermes case notes and CCTV grabs of the driver supposedly ‘delivering’ in a span of 23 secs (despite no one being home)?

Yeh ur right

Seems like you will be sorted soon bud

Great that now we can use eufyCam footage for the evidence.

Hermes (DE) : Herpes!