Its coming.... the new wakey

But only level 9 will get one!


I already envy those that’ll get it via an Anker giveaway! lol

What can I say…I’m a sucker for the action classics (with the spoken or sight one liners) :laughing:

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Sidney Young:
What’s the greatest film ever made?

Alison Olsen:
It’s hard to say. I mean, I personally love La Dolce Vita…

Sidney Young:
[Imitates game show buzzer] Incorrect!

Sidney Young:
[Continues, dead pan] Con Air.

Alison Olsen:
[a bit perplexed] I beg your pardon?

Sidney Young:
Con Air, right? It’s got everything, hasn’t it? You know, you’ve got Malkovich for your acting chops, you got Nicky Cage for your action, Steve Buscemi for your comedy, John Cusack for the gays. Right? It’s like a smorgasbord, isn’t it?


I use the alarm on my phone and also my Google mini as an alarm. But I guess one more alarm couldn’t hurt right?

Hey man as many as it takes to wake up in the morning :slight_smile:


Lol you are right! Sometimes I do need more than 2

Looks like a great new product - hope it is easy to use for the non tech people in my house not including myself

@amangons I also prefer it in color black. I think the LED clock numbers would pop better.

Both black or white would look good to me can’t wait to get one

I think a good amount of people would rather have a black wakey :+1:

I’m the oddball, I prefer a red one with black top charging pad


Tbh, I don’t mind most colours, but I just don’t like plain white.

To me, it’s the cheap option. No added pigments, lower cost. Plus when iPhone started the white phone, it was quite evenly split… Men black/women white. Obvs now is different, as all brands (well most) offer each phone in a choice of colours…

Also to me, white is like them people who keep their homes, like a magazine shoot… White walls, furniture etc etc

I would rock a red one. Black and white is not really my go to.

This sounds like a great addition to the Anker line and would be a great addition to a bedroom. I have wondered why no one has come out with this before.

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Red would look amazing!! I hate when they go with basic colors

I know right, there are so many more colors that would make it look even more attractive.

Yea man. I’ll start with 2 basic colors, white and black. Or at least Anker’s blue instead of black. Same with phones, they used to release black and gray. Now they are starting to
release more colors


@ikari04warrior Agreed! First basic colors then make them in all sorts of colors. Hopefully Anker will sell a black one with their first release! I’m ready to make that purchase like NOW!

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Yea hopefully they release more colors than just white. And it would be even more awesome if you could customize the LED lights on it


REALLY? It is wayyyyy to early for an April’s fools day joke. If this is real then I missed the announcement on the beta testing!!! @Jinksed pictures are worth a thousand words!