Is this an official Anker product?

I am looking for USB C to Lightning cable for my Apple devices and saw the above link on Amazon.
It is a nylon braided cable, but I cannot find the product with same description on Anker’s page.
Therefore, I would like to ask is this a real Anker product?

Thank you in advance.

Yes this is a real official product, it’s new and unfortunately Anker doesn’t always keep their website up to date

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Yes, they recently announced in a post in the community

@Tien-Jen_Lin Yes it is a genuine product, recently announced here

As @Tank has mentioned often there is a delay of the products appearing on the Anker homepage / product pages…

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A very simple search would have gotten you the answer.

There was a review of the item, a current competition for the lead n plug, and ankers announcement.

That’s just the top couple of results.

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Yep a real Anker product. Go for it…

Thank you guys!
I am getting two!

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I hope you enjoy them! Feel free to leave a review here on them :grin:.

yes, I remember this being discussed, also search brings it up. Nevertheless good to see these product type available on Amazon. Now waiting to see some deals to bring down the price.

So Apple still isn’t on the USB-C train for mobile devices yet?

This is most likely the legit product. I really recommend it enjoy!

Looks legit. And pretty :heart_eyes:

It’s definitely an Anker product, buy it, you definitely will not regret it

Looks like it