Introducing: Our Brand New Bluetooth Speakers

My dad has past 11 years ago. But I still remember the last time we went fishing in Florida at the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. It was a dry season in Florida and the only area that had water was the outer canal. So we rented the boat and started our day of fishing, But to get to a good spot to fish we had to go about a mile down the canal. With alligators in the way I had to slow down , so not to hit them. For all the alligators were in the outer canal. When we got to the spot to fish, where the canal opened up to the Everglades. There was so many alligators around us, that if you drew a line 25 feet around us, There would have at least been thirty or more alligators in the circle. So myself I was so busy watching out for the alligators, but my dad started fishing and got a fish. But before he could get it in, an alligator got it. My dad ask me what to do. I said don’t worry he will break the line. Of course the alligator did and my dad asked me to go drive the boat over and get the boppers floating in the water. I told him the heck with the boppers. I will buy him a new one, for no way I am reaching my hand in the water for it. LOL


My dad just had a triple bypass. He is slowly getting around but it has been difficult. He loves music and having any one of the three speakers would be amazing. I would choose the pro but he isn’t as picky as I am. He has always been there for me and my wife and kids. He truly deserves this and much more. We thought we might lose him but he has been fighting to stay with us. That’s gift enough but adding this would help make it better for him. Thanks


I’d love to win the soundcore boost, because I have never had a speaker with good bass and the soundcore boost sounds perfect for me! I only have a 3 watt speaker now so that would be a huge upgrade.

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The sound core 2 would be my ideal speaker as I listen to podcastsinn the shower dunce that’s one of the few times I het to my self as a dad

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Good luck people!!!


Hmm a dad story is what you’re asking for? One time I tossed an empty apple juice bottle and it hit him in his junk and he chased me out of the house out of the neighborhood when I was 8. I don’t really need a speaker but even if I don’t win I’ll make a purchase in the future, a new car I’m getting doesn’t have an aux cord or tape slot so I’m going to make due with a blue tooth speaker since I don’t think buying a stereo is worth it.

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These look great… I’d be happy with any of them. We have a 2 year old who cannot quit giggling when he sees my little tiny salt n pepper speaker playing music. We need to upgrade for outdoor parties this summer.

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the soundcore 2 would be perfect for my husband for father’s day

dad would sure as hell co-sign on the soundcore pro

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Hey Cava :slight_smile:
As I’m studying Physics I kinda have to know how to do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My “problem” with changing tires is that my dad most of the time isn’t letting me change them. This year has been the first time I was “officially” allowed to do it by myself (because he didn’t have time this year) :joy::innocent:

But I got two sisters too who love him for not having to know how to change them


So, this “SOUNDCORE boost” would be one of the nicest gifts to my dad. We could let the SOUNDCORE BOOST do some fine discotheque sounds for our craft beer stall at the Beer Fairs here in Germany. :grinning:

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The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when I was very little. My dad said he was just going to pop upstairs. He went upstairs…and popped!

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My biological father wasn’t much to brag about. In fact, he wasn’t much of a father. He was no role model and if anything, served as a example of how not to live your life. He left when I was younger (or kicked out, depending on who you ask), and instead of being in my life, decided to focus on himself.

Lucky for me, I had a step father who stepped up, adopted me, and raised me to be the man I am today. He was hard on me when he needed to be, instilled positive values, and taught me how to work hard, and go after what I want. While I may not of agreed with everything he did, I’m happy he was there for me when I needed him to most, and was willing to show me the right path, but expected me to open the door to that path. He did his best to lead by example, and everyday I wake up and remember the countless times he was there for me.


Great line of products. I would greatly appreciate any but the PRO for sure! A happy #anker Fathers day to all the fellow Dads out there. Good luck to all!

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Thanks for sharing that. I can tell from your post that your step Father taught you well.

So, still in time for it?

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in time yes, compliant with the competition rules, no. Did you read them?

Women are obviously mentally and physically capable of changing tires, even if never taught by a father in this age you can watch a guide video. The issue is more society, expectations, and appearance, women are often expected to look perfect, with things like nails in perfect condition, hair, etc. - changing a tire can compromise that perfect image.

I don’t drive, I bike and it causes a different interaction with society, I am not inside a box, so I tend to communicate with the world more. Example is a car overtook me then stopped, I observed it had a tire decidedly droopy to the point in not much time it would be flat. So to not scare the female driver I stood some distance and waved and smiled til she wound down window, I pointed to the tire and recommended it be addressed soon, so a thanks then they moved on to a garage. If that had been in a different physical situation I’d have happily offered to swap to wheel. Then you hit into the problem not related to gender or fathers, often the required tools are not in the vehicle, they got mislaid.

My father: Want me to call you back? My phone is free.
Me: So is mine dad
My father: Are you sure you don’t want me to call you back?
Me: Yes dad

and back and forth this goes for 5 minutes then he hangs up on me:)


Bahaha, priceless. My Dad would tell me not to leave a message as it would cost extra