Introducing: Our Brand New Bluetooth Speakers

Wouldn’t it lower cost and be better really to have a floating area, as without it will tend to sink to the bottom of whatever it falls in which could be quite deep. Matters more over deeper water like at sea less so on streams. Cheaper to make it float than an at-depth penetration barrier? Obviously you could just attach something to it instead, like elastic band some polystyrene?

Wow. The Schmuklers have won three speakers so far.

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We’ll let you get 500 :grin:

I think i remember one of them coming with a little floaty raft thing:

Probably better because you can take it off when not needed.

I can already tell that would be too much to ask of you.

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Keep in mind @Schmukler_Kiddos did not win, @Munchy did

Munchy, as in Menachem Mendel Schmukler?

Yes, but you can’t put that as an @

Well, good on you guys for being a little army of kids racking up bluetooth speakers. I hope you have enough room in your house to use them all.

speaking of which (pun) wouldn’t it be cool if you could daisy-chain the BT so they forward the sound on, like a mesh, then you could get more coverage? I’d have thought the tricky secret sauce is for them to sync so they all sound as one?

Teens/Adults :yum:

Fine, if its kids they just want it loud and a nanometer from eardrum, ideally eyes closed or looking at a phone near a cliff edge or busy traffic.


There are a few models that do this. I don’t think Anker makes them though (hint hint)

@AnkerOfficial if you read that post, then… yeah, my father (and family) would love that.

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what @ryandhazen said, but that would be pretty awesome on an Anker speaker.

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@ndalby shows how to sync two speakers to an expensive PC

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Yep, it can be done pretty easy on MacOS, possibly on Windows with third party software / plugins…

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Careful, you might start the ‘what is a PC?’ argument again :grin:

its inside every MAC now. Minus the white outer wrapping cost $1000

When you get given Windows - fdisk. I have Ubuntu on Thinkpad and its Linux under the Chromebook hood. Wow I wonder how many Chromebooks I can buy for one Mac? 10?

Nothing wrong with wrapping, most stores charge :laughing:

Possibly but what would you want 10 for, isn’t one enough? Well you could do this…

On a serious note though, the iMac’s do hold value well, my first was bought at £1200, sold three years later for £800

It’s also getting closer to 500, come on guys and gals, post some proper Father’s Day or speaker talk to have a good chance at winning :thumbsup: