Huawei has lost access to Android OS Platform and Google services

Ouch and the hits keep on coming…


Microsoft too joins the ban party, seems to have pulled Huawei’s Matebook X Pro from its online shelves,


It’s obviously professional to obey the law. Bad things happen otherwise.

But I’m sure there is a quiet discussion going on. The underlying truth of shared benefits.

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CNET has a well documented article for the Huawei issues timeline

What would happen if China’s government gives an answer and forbid APPLE for similar “unknown reasons”? Or even better Foxconn.

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This ban will be revoked soon like what happened for ZTE… Else there may be a retaliation soon…

Will be interesting to see what would happen if this applied to Apple and it’s vendors like Foxconn. Apple prices are already sky high, will become space high.

Who will buy, as there are alternatives.
Don’t forget SAMSUNG.
“Not in the game”!

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That is the only way to stop all these trade wars…

I have lot of iPhones for collection :smile: can continue for sometime without upgrade


i have an old one.
Good quality without modern apps.
Its a mobile I can use making calls.
Same with old IPODS and IPADS I own.
NO upgrades needed! :grin:

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Now there is a mention of including Huawei into US-China Trade deal :slight_smile:
So after all, this ban will go away

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Indeed, Huawei is the good quality, value play, Apple is “halo” play which is easily punctured.


I did sense this Huawei ban coming in, along with the trade war. So I brought forward my purchase of Chinese products, because they make good stuff. I brought forward purchase of a 8" tablet to release my existing Lenovo 8" tablet to send to a family member, and I must say it is very good build quality, a good product. I now have all the Huawei I need to last whatever war happens.

So long as an Android device has an unlockable bootloader, it can run latest Android via the open source method.

Apple has more to lose.

I was reading today that China might lower the export of the “rare earth element” to the USA if the whole dispute will intensify.

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so US changed its mind but another issue is looming in due to north korea wireless tech that huawei helped built


these are some road blocks to innovation in technology :man_facepalming:

A year gives power to the argument within most countries outside of USA to marginalise Google. Non-Google app store particularly.

The world can do without USA more than the USA can do without the world.