Hey all,
UK user here. Im trying to wire up my battery doorbell and seeing mixed results. I bought a 18v 800ma powersupply and it works but only charges at 1% / hr, which means it will take 5 days to charge and Im pretty sure it wont keep up powering the box.
Ive seen other people say they’ve tried using a British General unit (https://www.screwfix.com/p/british-general-8-24v-8va-bell-transformer-module/8707P?kpid=8707P&ds_kid=92700055281954493&ds_rl=1249401&gclid=CjwKCAiAwrf-BRA9EiwAUWwKXovfpxlDOM_lxZPyWqj-Xm2_IojM7YG8JPzeUSfOoMWVYGhQ5wWs9hoC89sQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and it appears to work well.
How fast does it charge? does it keep the battery at/around 100%?