Help with TWS mode / Pair of Motion+

I just got a couple of Motion+ to use as a pair.
I’m not sure I have switched the speakers to TWS mode properly. The downloaded manual isn’t that clear.
The manual says I need to press the BT button for more than 3 seconds to enter TWS mode. It doesn’t say whether I should press the BT button for more than 3 seconds on both speakers or only on one, or whether the speakers should be connected to a BT audio player when activating TWS.
I pressed the BT button on both and the BT light started flashing white on both speakers.
So far, so good, but the manual says “When TWS group is successful, the BT indicator on both the main and secondary speaker will turn solid white”
In my case, it turns solid white on one and turns off on the other, which goes blue when connected to the BT audio player (my phone).
When I check the BT devices in my phone settings, there are 2 Motion+
Audio plays from both speakers, but I’m pretty sure they are playing as individual speakers rather than in TWS stereo mode.
The Soundcore app only shows one speaker, regardless of whether one or two speakers are connected via BT.
Can anybody walk me through TWS pairing more clearly than the manual does?

To use TWS you only pair one of the speakers to your phone or any other device delete the pairing with the other speaker, once paired this speaker will serve as the left channel with the solid Bluetooth light, now press and hold the bluetooth button on the second speaker to enter TWS mode, once done only the second speaker will have the solid white light and this will be your right channel speaker, the next time you switch both on it will go in to TWS mode automatically and the left and right channels won’t change so remember which is which, it’s not hard as you can tell by the solid blue light that is the left speaker,
to check it’s right you can test it with a video like this one,


Never paired motion+ in TWS mode.
But Flares: After these got paired one is got a steady light (slave) the other is blinking (master).
When connected via bt the other (master) got a steady light too.

Try this : remove the bt list from your device.
Then switch off the bt device
This makes sure the speakers dont try to connect to that device.

Then do the TWS pairing.
The result should be one blinking (master) the other steady (slave).
After switching on the bt device the blinking one (master) will be connected and turn to steady


Thanks guys!
I think they were maybe already paired correctly.
The manual is misleading, since the BT indicator light doesn’t go solid white on the master/left speaker after TWS pairing.
I originally connected to both speakers from my phone so I could set the same custom EQ on both. I didn’t test it, but apparently the slave doesn’t adopt the EQ settings of the master. In case anyone from Anker is reading, it would be nice to have that in the next firmware update, and even better, the option to create several custom EQs.
I deleted the slave from BT in my phone as suggested.
However, my phone isn’t really up to the job now that I have better BT speakers, so I’ve ordered a BT audio player.
How much battery life do you get in TWS mode, and does the master’s battery drain faster than the slave’s?

I don’t own a motion+ but I do know that Master/primary will drain faster than secondary. Its because primary is connected to 2 different devices at the same time while your phone and secondary are connected to only 1.

I’m not sure how much the drain will be but it shouldn’t be too drastic. Maybe 30 mins or so less play time on primary at most. That number is a guesstimate based on what I saw on my True wireless earbuds (Spirit Dot 2). I got a little less than 7 hrs on secondary (left) earbud and about 6 hrs 20 mins on primary (right) earbud. Since the battery on those are much smaller the difference makes sense and should be smaller on your motion+ from my knowledge.

Plus keep in mind that the battery life would be heavily dependent on audio. If your audio uses 1 channel on than other (say right side is heavier on bass than left for example), then your right channel speaker would definitely get hit more than left

Logically the bigger the speaker the less drain relatively as energy lost in sound becomes relatively greater than energy lost in radio.

We probably can extrapolate it if we know any left/right time of any TWS pair, that’s energy lost in radio, then ratio it by battery size

I think I can make an educated guess from the FCC specs

“Hopping mode”




  • the cell is 12Wh and the speaker lasts 12 hours (up to so let’s half that to a real life) 6 hours.
  • so the cell is burning 2W/hr
  • the radio signal is a max of 0.001 W, therefore the radio signal is 0.05% of the total energy.

You’d guess that the TWS would be tiny?

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Never tested that.
I got an old Flare paired with a new one.
Of course the battery of the old one drains faster.