Give Your RoboVac A Name

You have chosen the right robot vacuum for your home. As the new member of your family, what would you call him?

Maybe you have a RoboVac G40, which is amazing at deep cleaning. Why not call it Megatron? Or perhaps it helps you clean up pet hair, and you can call it Hair Assasin.

Show us your robot’s nickname, and post a picture of your product down below in the comments section telling us why you chose that nickname.

If your robot is still nameless, take this opportunity to come up with a cool nickname for it!

You can also change your robot’s name on the eufyClean app at any time. Here’s how:

Small print:
If you have more than one eufy product, we’d love to know all their names.
This activity ends on Dec 25th.

We can’t wait to see what you all came up with!

Our Robovac is named Mary Poppins.
The boy her named her that as she is helpful around the house :grin:

I named mine Megatron because it deep cleans my carpet I’m so happy Robot vacuum.

Dirty Harry :grin:

We call ours “Rosie” a tribute to the Jetson’s cartoon of years ago.

Our 6yo named ours Stevie.
:notes:Stevie, Stevie, Stevie likes to clean our house :musical_note:

Our robovac is a called Monica after Monica in friends!

Jinx. Because, with his little turret, he looks like the robot from the film SpaceCamp

My English manual had every second line or so in French, so I called mine “Frenchmaid”

Ours is called Sucker.

I named my current RoboVac Victor, short for RoboVictor, but it’s kinda a tradition at this point. This is my 3rd RoboVac. My first was named Vicky/Victoria, my second was Val/Valorie, and now I have Vic/Victor. :grin:

Our robovac is named Helga.

From the movie “Mommy Dearest”.
In a memorable scene Joan Crawford (Faye Dunaway) is inspecting the work done by maid, Helga.
“When you clean the floor, you have to mooove the plant!” Crawford says condescending.
“I’m not mad at you, Helga- I’m mad at the DIRT”

Our various Eufy vacs through the years have been nicknamed Relentless, Smoov, CW (Clockwork), and Grazer, mostly using the model number as the first letter in their name.

Mine is called Vlad the Inhaler. Seemed like a funny play on words one evening. Now to name my second X8


Molly, Mavis and Ethel . My girls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Called mine Cockroach as it is always skurrying around eating anything it can.

We’ve called him Dexter as he keeps on top of our crime scenes :joy:

We named our gal Meryl Sweep :rofl: She is the absolute best and we couldn’t survive without her!



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My Robovac’s name is Buttkiss. :grin: