[Feature Request] Eufycam Geofencing + scheduling

First of all thank you to the Eufy team for releasing the long awaited geofencing update!

I know this is still in beta but I do have a request:

I would love the option to use Geofencing as a scheduling profile, just like how custom security modes can be added to the scheduler.

This way during the day, I can use geofencing. But overnight I can also turn on motion sensing/recording even while home.

Thanks again for your continued support for this awesome system! :grin: Hope to see this in a future update!


Great idea :+1:


+1 for this idea. Would be helpful


Hi @Chris136!

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this “Eufycam Geofencing+scheduing” idea! :blush:

We have forward this information to our engineering team for further research. Thanks again for all your patience and support in this case.

Any other concerns we can address in the future, please feel free to contact us support@eufylife.com.

Have a beautiful day!


Yes, I have exactly the same wish. please implement soon


Or, in the Geofencing option, it should be possible to select “scheduled”, instead of only “home”, “away” and “deactivated”. Then you could say:
a.) “when geofencing away” = “activated”
b.) “when geofencing home” = “scheduled”
ARLO has that feature, I did there set at daytime only one particular cam as active and at night all, although being home.


+1 on this idea. For me it’s essential, I want a method of only being able to turn on certain cameras at certain times so when I come home switch to the “Schedule” profile which only arms the outside cameras at night.


This idea is exact what i need. I just bought the eufycam2 and i was looking in the settings to combine geofence with the schedule option to turn on the cam at night. So please add this feature soon. Thanks!


Me too please! I would like GeoFencing to enable Away when I leave home and then re-enable Schedule when I return home. My Schedule has Disarmed during the day and Home at night. Having Schedule as an option within GeoFencing would give me just what I need.


Me too! Geofencing is our basic mode. But there are cameras that, even when home, we would like to be able to schedule to be on late at night.



Agree with all of you! This is absolutely necessary.
I wrote support about it in January, and they said there is not way to do that.
The geofence without the option to set Scheduled mode when you are home is pointless.
Or is it either changing between Geofence mode and my Sleeping mode every night, or doing between Scheduled mode + away (or geofence) when I’m leaving.
Either way requires going into the app every day to change the alarm settings…


This is most definitely possible! Arlo has had this feature for more then 2 years so using an excuse for not being possible sounds like lazy is possible… Just saying :thinking:


Exactly! At ARLO is where I used this feature. I really like the EUFYcam (I even sold my 4x v1 and upgraded to 5x v2!), but the Geofencing needs to work more reliable AND I need this feature…


Yes! Please build this! It is a required security feature. I have to be able to turn on alarms when I am asleep and at home. Geofencing is just handy for turning alarm on and off when leaving the house.


Please add this, i switched from arlo to eufycam and i really missed that feature. Thanks in advance.


Yes please, this is essential!


This would be a great feature, I want to setup the following scenario:

  • When geo sees i’m home during day times: No alerts, except doorbell.
    during night times: Alerts

                              Not home: All alerts.

No way of seting this up currently. So would be great if this small feature could be added.


Morning, everyone,

This option is essential! I forgot to switch to program mode when I went to bed.

This morning my alarm siren went off around 6:30.

Alas no recording and alarm I don’t know what happened! That’s frustrating :frowning:

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The function is desperately needed! Had this with my Arlo cameras, worked perfectly with Geofencing. Being able to select the schedule from Geofencing would be fantastic. Also hope the Geofencing would be more accurate, as it currently is very bad!


Adding another request for this feature.

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