Just heads up again on this is coming.
Typical caveats with FCC postings:
- products can and do change.
- sometimes the products change, they allowed in any component which does not materially affect the EM emission, so things like flashing lights, colours, battery sizes, etc can change.
- may contain errors.
When they say the same, they mean in context of electromagnetics emissions, they could look radically different (e.g. different lights, battery size, etc)
The A3167 is
The Flare Mini
So what’s coming are probably variations on the Flare Mini. Could be differences in battery life, lights, etc. The average is 6 weeks from FCC til in stock to buy so if that holds for this puts us in early June.
So the only meaningful heads-up that Anker has published is there are two additional variants of the Flare Mini probably, my guess is early June.
That’s all folks!