Eufycam and google home integration

Hello, I have linked the eufy cam with Google and with Alexa.
So far, the only thing I was able to do is it to tell them to show the camera feed on the TV/Chromecast.
On Google Assistant, one of the options is to set the alarm status (for example when I tell her I’m leaving home to set the alarm to Away more)
The option is there, but it doesn’t work. First, not all the modes are available (eg, schedule mode is not listed) and every time I tell google I’m living, or at home, or going to sleep, etc I get a msg saying "The MyAlarmName is currently running, so I can’t make any changes.
Also have a lot of Eufy entry sensors at our house and I cannot ask for the status of them, even though the devices are listed in google home.

Is there any list of the supported commands?? So, far, the cameras are the only thing that works…


Hi @kdober,

We may need more information regarding this issue, eg: serial number etc. Please contact our eufy service team at They will get back to you within 24 hours and will be able to help you step by step to address the problem.

Thank you for your patience.

Ok @AnkerOfficial. Will contact them later today and post the results.

Were you able to get an answer from Anker?

Yes, I got an answer. Basically it doesn’t work as you would expect. It is super limited what you can do :frowning:

Here are their answers:

With regard to the issue of the Google Assistant integration, please refer to the below answer for more details:

1) The only thing I’m able to do with it is to tell to show the camera feed on the TV/Chromecast, but i cannot ask about the status of the alarm or the status of the entry sensors or anything else.

I understand that you want to ask Google Assistant to check the status of the alarm or the statute of the entry sensor. Due to customer safety considerations, some functions are temporarily unavailable. So that is why you are only able to see the live view on the TV/Chromecast

2) Additionally, on my routines I’ve set up to put alarm status when I’m leaving or in Home mode when arrived, etc… However, google always respond that “The MyAlarmName is currently running, so I can’t make any changes”. The only time it works is when alarm is on disarmed more (it changes to the corresponding status). However, if it is already at some status (away, home, sleeping, etc) we get that error msg and the status doesn’t change.

Currently, our camera only supports from the disarm mode to Home mode, or from the disarm mode to away mode.

We know that the Google Assistant integration is still not perfect. However, our engineers will work hard to make it more convenient to use. Innovation is never easy, and we are glad to have your support and understanding, which would be a huge encouragement for us to seeking continuous improvement. Thank you again.

It’s now over 4 years later and this request still hasn’t been actioned.

I want to be able to set a night mode which I have created on my HomeBase3 when I tell google I’m going to bed (I already have this configured to change various non-anker/Eufy lights, etc)

I then want it to revert to Geofence mode on a schedule (or even better when my Google alarm sounds).

Something similar was attempoetd by a user here however when I try to replicate with my correct device names I get the error [ERROR] Action failed for: [HomeBase]. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way to debug this.

So my requests (in priority order) are:

  1. Allow the schedule mode of HomeBase 3 to schedule custom modes
  2. Either create fully featured Google integration or stop advertising that you offer it. Currently it is misleading.
  3. Allow users to script using Google’s YAML engine

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