Eufy Wireless Doorbell - unable to format micro SD card

Morning all

I have an Eufy Wireless Doorbell, and try as I might, my Samsung class 10 128gb micro SD card won’t format in the chime unit.

I have put this into my PC and laptop, and it formats fine, and I can copy files to and from it.

I had the issue when I first bought the unit (and this new card), and eventually, formatting on a laptop and then in the chime unit finally worked. But it seems following an update, it’s now not formatting. I just get the ‘Repair or Format’ option, and then ‘Retry’ when it fails.

How can I get this unit to work again - as it did prior to the recent update ?

Ask here :

Try another card.

… yes, I have an abundance of cards…

And if I purchase another card, how do I know this isn’t going to work?

I had the same issue when I first purchased this device 3-4 months ago, and only by retrying repeatedly did it finally complete the formatting via the app. It seems to have stopped recording since the last automatic update last month…

@Adrian_Wathes as you mentioned the behaviour started again after a recent update I would suggest reaching out to with the issue and any troubleshooting steps taken for assistance.

Something went really wrong with that update.
May be there is a possibility to “downgrade”.
Ask the support!

Evening all, I have pulled a smaller 64gb card from an old phone, and this has formatted OK.

Issue can be closed…


I told you, try another card!

Always the same steps!
Try another cable, try another charger etc…
Often helps.

Next step : clean plugs and sockets.
Often helps.

Next step do a reset if possible.
Often helps.

Last step ask the support!

But please never ask why it was not working!
Those are the secrets of computer science.:rofl:

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