Eufy Smart Lock release date?

Hey all, first post!

I’m excited about the Smart Lock, but cannot find any information about a potential release date. I did find some posts about the Wireless Doorbell and Smart Locks being released in “early 2020”. I figured since the Wireless Doorbell is now available, the Smart Locks would soon follow.

Anyone have any hot insider info on when the Smart Lock will be available for purchase?


Hey @vaston
Welcome aboard, you’ll love it here!
I’m not much into the security products but have found this online. It just points to 2020 unfortunately.


I’ve been waiting for the Smart Lock myself. Hope we get some insight soon.

That’s the only article I was able to find that mentioned possible timing. Ah well, I’ll be patient. Just added my wireless doorbell, so I have that to play with while I wait.

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I too want this Smart lock. Been eye-ballin’ others but I think this would be better because one app for my cameras, doorbell, and future lock!


Cool :+1:t2:
There’s a review section if you feel up for taking some pics and pulling some words together about your experience with it.
We all love a good product review :smiley:

I messaged anker about the smart door lock a few weeks ago and I was told it wouldn’t be on the market until some time this summer. Of course with the corona virus everything has been delayed, so i wouldn’t expect it until the fall or even winter of this year.

Awesome, I didn’t even know they were planning on releasing one

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From the brief write up it sounds pretty good.

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I know i started see ads for the lock on my Facebook and IG so not sure what thats about

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