For the first week “Todd” worked like a champ. I loved that I could divide the map into rooms and tell him via the app to go clean just the den, for example. For that week he would make a beeline to the den, clean, then return to base quickly.
Today he wandered around the kitchen even after saying he successfully “calibrated”, even running directly into the fridge. When I physically moved him to the den he cleaned it perfectly, but when he set off for the base he ended up going the other direction and spinning in circles telling me to clear room around the base. He was in a different part of the house. So I carried him over by the base and it took him 10 minutes of effort to dock. Later in the day, the same thing. He seems to have forgotten where his base is and has no clue what the house looks like anymore.
So Todd has defintely lost his mind. Is there an easy fix to this, or do I need to somehow reset him and start over? It was a PITA to set the rooms up, so I’m not looking forward to do that again if I need to.
Thanks in advance.