Eufy Cam Missing Events / Long time without recording.

I’ve got 2 Eufy Cam 2C + Home Base 2 and a SoloCam S220.
Both keep missing lots of events every single day. From time to time looks like it just get tired, decide to go to sleep and won’t record anything for 3/4 hours or until I deactivate and reactivate either the camera or the motion detection.

Motion Detection sensitivity are set to “7” which is the MAX.

Working Mode is set to:

Customize Recording 120s of Clip length
5s Intervals between triggers (min)
End clip early if motion stops is “ON” for the Solo Cam, but it actually makes the recording stop before of the real end of the event instead of let the sensor keep looking for motion for at least 10 more seconds before stop the recording (Ideally this should be customizable).
All devices running on the last firmware available.

As an exemple if a burglar would open my car, nothing would be recorded as it stop recording as soon as the person stop moving for a second.

I also possibly tried all combinations of settings, but the cameras will behave the same regardless of how is configured, missing events and working when it is in a mood to. Bad weather may be something, but is not a rule.

Clearly this cameras has serious motion detection issues but despite that many people has reported this same issue around the web, Eufy instead of fix it and improve technical aspects, is focused on removing options from the phone APP and adding a lot of ANNOYING PROPAGANDA, visual pollution including AI and SOCIAL MEDIA stuff.

(As an ex: recent update removed the badge from the home showing the number of unviewed recordings from an individual camera and giving acess to it).
Can’t even create an automation for S220 triggered by the 2c.
But guess what? Now we can go to community tab and watch shared security videos from unknown people.
Is this a security camera app or next generation of social wasting time media?
Really? Is this what we paid for?
A waste of time and money.
I just regret so much that I didn’t run the cables and got a proper NVR. However, still hoping for a solution.