Eufy Cam base station update issue

Is anyone else having connection issues after the base station update last night?
Yesterday and prior to yesterday… No issues.
Today, after both base stations updating last night, can’t connect.
Getting notifications of activity but can’t view anything?
Have latest app and have restarted everything twice.

Anyone else with same issue?
Pisses me off everything working perfect and then… Bamm, update and nothing is working. Bs


have you tried to TURN OFF the homebase for some minutes?! I mean REAL OFF, not reboot, no backup battery “off”. If not, try turning off everything and wait some minutes. Get all back powered and online and see if you still have problems. Normaly everything should work again then.

Some times reboot solves issues. Assume you tried it already, if not it’s worth a try and see if that works.

Have rebooted multiple times to no avail, total power down and back up has seem to solve the issue :slight_smile:
Ty kind sirs.
Will store in memory for future reference and possibly limit the frustration associated with a non-working product.


As a former service technician of a wide variety of manufacturing equipment and computer systems reboots are the first step taken and usually solve the problem.

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Glad to know it resolved your issue.
add it to your cheat sheet :wink: