I saw this and couldn’t help but think that it was an April Fools Day joke. Is it a gimmick? Would you switch from your current phone to this one?
Energizer's phone with a 18,000mAh battery
Nope. No joke, btw, this has already been posted on here… you should search before you post something like this. (Not to demean you, I’m guilty of being to lazy to search…)
Dangit, I missed that one. And don’t assume that I didn’t search it before posting, because I did and nothing else came up. I put in a request to delete this thread.
Sorry for my assumption . To be fair, I’ve searched before and nothing came up.
. I bet you were just point farming though
Way too bulky for me
Will to sacrifice the battery size just a bit for that slim sexy body
I’ve seen the other post I don’t remember it matching up with this picture.
That phone is way to thick to use.
I’ll be ok with upto 2x the thickness of current thin phones. It will give a little better grip as well. This is definitely too thick
Yep it’s already done the rounds on here (but wasn’t the most obvious…thread title now updated)