Community Members at RE[Charge] NYC

We unveiled a bunch of charging product and some fantastic partnerships Tuesday in New York City.

Watch the [RE[Charge] show]( here if you’d like.

Being at a show of this caliber was awesome, but it was truly special to me to be given budget to bring some key community members to the event.

From left, Stella, me, @Robert_Hoffman / @rainbowrobb , @Ktkundy and @Matt_Tabor

We wanted to make sure our product leads and brand managers could talk to users of the products and get their perspective on everything Anker. I’ll say that @ktkundy blew our AnkerMake Brand Manager’s mind with her extensive knowledge of 3D printing.

Here’s the trio in front of the Anker Stage prior to the event starting. (Yup, I snuck them in early!)

Another shot of the Reserve Power Bank. The pop up lamp plus USB is pretty nifty:)

And our latest mop/vac from eufy Clean X9 Pro Cleaner Bot. Get it now and save $180.

This array of chargers is pretty deep – 250 watts? Nuts. Power in your purse. The Verge was there, and this is their reporter’s story about the charging product at the show.

And then there’s philanthropy programs we’ve launched.

The first is a partnership with Oceana and a commitment to reducing use of plastic in packaging. The VP of Oceana, Beth Lowell, shared that 33B tons of plastic end up in oceans each year, and it really is incumbent upon corporations to lead if we’re to reduce impact on ocean life. This is an organization with impact – Beth met with the Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland the day after the event.

We also announced a long-term partnership with the Kampgrounds of America Foundation and the Boys & Girls Club. At the kick-off event Monday night in Harlem at the Madison Square Boys & Girls Club, Anker presented a $100,000 check.

The kickoff was kid-inclusive. The kids who ranged in age from probably 5-14 years, participated in stations at the club, which has this amazing rooftop field with turf. They learned to tie knots, had a sleeping bag race, and they also erected tents in teams of four or five. I happened to be the one running this event station, and it was incredible to see the kids’ interest move from “whatever” to “can we get inside the tent now?” The adults knew the kids have very limited exposure to dark skies, to seeing stars, to participate in nature under a moonlit sky as a fire crackles. It hadn’t occurred to me that if they hadn’t put up a tent before, that they hadn’t been inside one before. The value of getting kids outdoors can’t be understated no matter where they live of course.

Naturally we had a “special” drink at the event in Chelsea, New York. The Solar Sunrise … sounds pretty good!

I’m very excited to be a part of a company that is giving back in these small-for-now ways. Anker has an eye on the future … of our product, our kids, and our oceans. Cheers to the future of #LiveCharged.


This is super cool, awesome to see the activities with the kids.

Thanks again for letting some of us Community Members to come and enjoy! It was awesome to see all the products up close and get to have face-to-face conversations with you as well as the rest of the Anker team! I am looking forward to all that Anker has planned for the future!


Nice group of community members at the event and a nice looking selection of products.


Absolutely fabulous for community members to be present and see more of event preparation.


Cool to see some community member’s able to be invited/attend :+1:t2:

@AnkerOfficial you might want to change the name order on your photos…unless @ktkundy is sporting a beard :rofl:


Seems you all were having fun and its absolutely great
to see three of our well known members were taking part.


@ktkundy s beard is spectacular


If you know the film then …

Very awesome chance to get some people involved and participate in all of this!!


It’s really rewarding to see kids emerge from “Do I have to?” to “Do I GET to???”


We were so excited to meet each other! Though I can’t promise any international expeditions, I do look forward to creating innovative ways to include our good friends in the UK and Germany!

thank you! It was a rushed miss. Will do!

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This was a great opportunity for our product and brand teams to talk to real users, too. I’m so glad the company is so open to that conversation.

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I just convinced her to shave it. It was harder than you might think!

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It was a great show!

Over the whole life of Anker there’s been a majority of time where such meeting physically and live online events

There was for a couple of years a live AMA with a couple of product managers. The Periscope platform was used.

That worked well but as it was open to anyone you had a fair bit of inappropriate language used so some kind of filter is needed e.g. Anker community members above L1 can type questions.

The dialogue of “why did you do it that way” helps with understanding Anker’s technology challenges, and “why not” productive brainstorming session.

Yes I know Anker has to assume a competitor is listening so some questions can’t be answered.

Make a couple of them allowing select few in the room with some upcoming/recent products to touch would then collectively be quite a bidirectional dialogue, the opposite of marketing which is really a monologue.


I know they have done a few things on the slack app that I am on but I do find it to be hit or miss on whom is on there.

I do find a few folks on the slack channels to be genuine and others seems to have comments that seems to be playing some angle.

With that said, I am glad that @ktkundy and @Matt_Tabor were chosen as I know both to be active and seem like great folks.