Christmas Gift Guide | Win a FREE Order of Gifts

It’s a loooong month as I got paid 21st December and my next pay is 31st January so just 1 day shy of 6 weeks :grimacing:

Always a nightmare as I’m forever still Xmas shopping on Xmas eve :joy:

Been there so many years. lol
Yeah, that Dec Jan paycheck is such a shitter. Even didn’t “waste” any money on extra pub visits, it’s still so hard. My old company would (under exceptional circumstances) let you have a sub, and then you pay back over 2 to 3 months, which you tried to avoid, god it helped… Lit the only good thing about the company.

Thank you so much

Congrats to the other winners too

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Congrats to all winners :clap:t2:

@elmo41683 def worth the wait :blush:


Thank you Anker! I’ve been using the PowerCore regularly and it’s much better than my other power banks. Looking to buy some cables and sounds from your site now.


Many congrats to all winners.

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Congratulations to all the winners :slight_smile:


Congrats to the winners :clap: :clap:

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You are getting a lot of free Anker stuff, mystery prize and this.

There are plenty of familiar names winning now I think some may be getting 3 sets of items?


He needs to buy a lottery ticket also :tongue:


@elmo41683 Rob could you show us what you got from anker over the years?

Woohoo! Thanks @AnkerOfficial ! It’s been a great holiday season for me. My order was for gifts for my father and my boss. What a nice surprise!!!

@k_pug2003 My wife keeps telling me that but I have yet to buy one.

@nigelhealy not many wins, just this and the mystery box but that was kinda a given as a perk of the star contributor program.

A couple from Northern Ireland won £115million this week. When they announced winner was from Northern Ireland I got excited til I remembered I live in England now so that couldn’t be me lol :joy::joy::joy:

Fair play to them though as they are making 50 of their friends and family members millionaires :blush::clap:t2:
Won’t leave them hard pushed though as they will still have £65mil in bank lol

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Now, that’s brilliant news. Fair play to them.

Not sure I wouldn’t have gone THAT far, but I’d certainly have seen some very close friends alright (obvs the amount makes a big difference).


Cool that’s 736 average houses in Belfast they could buy.


… or a select few in the more affluent areas of the city.

Outside the city they will be able to buy a huge house with acres of land for a few hundred grand.

Just realised I yet again forgot to buy a ticket so I won’t be winning the lottery anytime soon :woozy_face:


Wowowowowowowowow thanks!!!

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Oh, wow. What a great thing to log in and find!

Thanks so much and congrats to the other winners! :sparkles:


Hey look at that I won! Damn I should’ve spent more, lol. Actually I couldn’t because I own pretty much all the other products on that page! Thanks @AnkerOfficial!!! Also Way to go to the other like @elmo41683 and the rest, who were named top contributers and got a mystery box. Sorry I have been super busy.