Cheapest Power Draw prizes?

Bolder LC90 Flashlight
PowerCore Speed 10000
Anker SoundBuds NB10 Bluetooth Earbuds

Cost of 1 Entry: 1 PowerBucks

Naturally, I submitted the maximum :smiley:


It was stated due to the 2 year anniversary of the forum all prizes would cost 1 buck.

This if Iā€™m not mistaken is the second or third time they did this


Yep as @elmo41683 has mentioned, not the first time (3rd I think) and no doubt wonā€™t be the last :slight_smile: Would be rude not to have flutterā€¦all in on the torch :grin:


As I won the LUMI, a torch would not be bad too.
But this time the winners should be others,


Random is random, I hope. If it lands on you, then itā€™s all good :slight_smile:

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Nice! Do they allow the same user to win multiple times in the same week/month?

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Thatā€™s a question for @AnkerOfficial :slight_smile:

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If I recall correctly, the answer to this question is:

  • A user can only only win 1 prize per week
  • Winning does not hurt your odds to win the following week (i.e. a user can win two weeks in a row)

I do not care much about it.

If there is any ā€œneedā€ of an item ( kids or friends)
I take part,
otherwise I hope there is a winner who needs it.

I was planning to put my bucks to use but there are somewhere around 600+ entries. The odds of winning are low.

Its only 30 bucks total, you surely can make that back in a day

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I can and I will. Iā€™m thinking posting to all 3. :grin:

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