Calling All Solar Panel Home Owners!

Happy Monday Anker Fans!!

We are looking for anyone and everyone who has recently purchased and installed a solar panel photovoltaic (PV) system and/or a power storage system for their home.

If you have a minute, please take a moment to complete this questionnaire at your earliest convenience.

Those who qualify may even be selected to work more more closely with Anker in the future :eyes:

Thank you in advance to those who take part in the survey!

The Anker Team


I filled in the questions.
But I am not sure there was a success.

Yes I have installed a solar panel on the roof.
The orientation is perfect to the south.
The installation is old, so the efficiency is not so good as it was before.
No we dont use a power house.
The condtions for running those solar panels on the roof should be different
to this in the USA/UK/CA here in Germany.
( state support etc. )