Beat the Back-to-School Blues with Nebula

@Shenoy @TechMan @Chiquinho I’m disappointed in yall, this is suppose to be about the back to school sale and not the nonsense yall keep talking. Shame on yall for cluttering said thread :crazy_face:.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program


Oof those prices

Same here, a bit too rich for my blood after my summer hols which have just passed :cold_sweat:

I think at the current price, I’d rather a big flat screen TV :rofl:

So good Thanks to

i have missed this free case deal for my nebula capsule projector :stuck_out_tongue:

One other deal for Nebual Capsule Max for $422.99 with $50

Is this deal available in UK?

@claire2 Sorry, this deal is only for the US. We will have some nice deals coming out for UK fans in September. Stay tuned in the community!

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@AnkerOfficial Please bring more offers to Canada, I can see more deals for usa!

The deal is still valid until August 31st. Don’t miss out! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: