Any issues going on for Anker Community Forum? 403 error, 500 error, etc

Yup, also got it when I was creating a new topic post. (On computer)

Thank you for all the feedback. I didn’t get any error messages, but I should let our technicians sort out this as soon as possible.


I must be really lucky because I have never seen a single issue on this site. I browse it through Samsung Internet Beta on my phone and thankfully I haven’t seen and error page. Let’s hope it stays that way

I’ve done it pops! :older_man:

Awesome news @AnkerOfficial :ok_hand:

Don’t know if I wrong or if their is a bug but on SOME of the threads it says different people have created them for example on this screenshot it says 2 different people have created the thread… I don’t know if I’m wrong or confused :neutral_face:.

I saw that too but ignored it. Thought it was kind of weird. Maybe an issue with the database schema or keys when creating threads

Yeh same I ignored it at first but then it kept happening didn’t know if it was just me or a bug.

The thread creator thing has been happening on and off since the last major community update…normally fine when you first load the initial post but if you are reading the latest post and then scroll to the original poster…you get the name mix up occurring…

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Another issue for me is that I have to log in twice in this forum… It was not like that before but I don’t know if that’s just me or anybody else.

@Muhammad_02 it’s the same for me, but as the forum gets updated and or upgraded we will see things break more often and then get fixed.

I am seeing this multiple login request happening for past 1 week only from mobile browser - Chrome and Safari. From desktop - there is only one login required

If it’s changing from power user to community, that’s easy to fix… Using your tabs, keep one for community, and one for power user, or (like me) use your phone’s security to remember details, and when needed just tap your fingerprint to enter details!

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Super exited about the app!

Can’t post a reply in a thread. Getting a message of “403 Forbidden”. What is this?

There is already a thread going on for this issue

Hmm how weird. I was able to post this just fine

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This 403 issue is very sporadic and can appear anytime. it is usually with posting a reply. editing your pervious post don’t show 403 issue. Must be come server code error.

So just a minute ago I tried to post a reply on a thread. When I hit reply I got an error I’ve never seen before called the 500 error.

Anyone know what’s up with it, and how I can prevent it?

Edit: thanks to whoever moved this. I didn’t know we had a thread for this :grin:

Wow! No issues here. I am using google chrome with java add-ins. Wonder what can be causing such issues for you all. The only thing I saw was the posts were not from the original poster but haven’t seen it since last week.