Anker wireles vertical mouse windows 10 problem

Hi yesterday the mouse start to work funny. I lost i column of the rigth of the screen when the click is not working. The mouse move just fine around all the screen, but in the desktop in the las 2 columns of the rigth the click doesn’t work. It work in the task bar in the same place but not in the desktop in this area.

Anyone have this problem i can tell me some drivers i can use to check if this is the problem.


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Good luck with this :+1:

This mostly points to something home wrong on the optical sensor of the mouse at the bottom.

  1. Make sure to clean the optical area at the bottom and keep it on a clean opaque surface.

  2. Try to remove / delete the device from device manager and add it back so windows can redetect and auto install whatever driver is necessary (assume you use Windows OS)

  3. Write to if you still have it in the warranty period.

Best of luck!

Hi shenoy but i dont think is a mouse problem. The arrow goes in all the desktop and the bottoms work in the rest of the desktop and taskbar. I check the mouseinfo app of Microsoft IntelliPoint and it detect all of the click, but in the desktop in this area nothing is selected. The app show i click the left and rigth bottoms but nothing happend.

I buy it a few years ago so theres not warranty.

I trei some windows update and framework updates and nothing.

Other think is strange is that work just fine for arround 3 or 4 minutos after reboot, and then stop work, but only in this area of the desktop. Is very strange.

That’s good info.

Is there any software or app which is hijacking the mouse controls? Can you check the list of apps running and close non critical ones to check if that fixes the issue

Thanks Shenoy i trie what you say and found the problem. It was the slack desktop aplication. i don’t undertand why start this problem but it solved when i closed this program. The program was not update but the windows 10 it was, so something happend then.

thanks for the help.

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There great news! Glad it helped :+1:

Glad you our issue is resolved @esanchez some good trouble shooting by @Shenoy