Anker, what did you do!?!?!?

Ummmmmmmmmmm why do I have the personal information of an Italian now? You guys either mistakenly sent this to me or have a bad glitch in the system. Sorry natale, I will will delete all of this info as soon as the post is created.

<img src="//forum<img src="//forumus-uploads-production.s3-us-west-" width=“281” height=“499”>us-uploads-production.s3-us-west-" width=“281” height=“499”>


Lol I wish I lived in Italy

Italy is position 50, USA 13, UK 23

Make sure you do :innocent:

I hear Italy is nice this time of year. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Same thing happened with me when i tried to look at what was available to sample i got kinda confused for a second until i refresh the page and it want back to normal

I’ve forwarded this issue to our IT team and they will deal with it soon. Please check your profile and refresh page again.

OOpsie :slight_smile: Bugs happen all the time. I’m sure Anker IT will be prompt to solve it.