Thats a nice idea.
But sharing means someone has to take care about etc.
Not easy to realize.
Anker supposed to launch a 3D printer
That’s sad to hear. I’m guessing it will be a “you get what you pay for” type deal. Maybe they want a better signature model.
I am now getting the coming soon emails to which my first reaction is it is overpriced launch price and need to build interest. Good products sell themselves, bad products cause careers in marketing.
I wonder why I’m not getting any of those emails? hmm
So I have a 3D printer and have had it for some time, I print all different things for myself and others. So far my longest print has been almost 32 hours and it came out flawless. If Anker is getting I to the printing game I would love to test and try it out for them and compare it to the onenI have now.
If the initial price is above $500 then it better have its own enclosure around the printer to maintain temperatures. Otherwise they better have features that are included such as: auto bed leveling, all Metal Extrusion, possibly dual Extrusion, PEI bed plate, Silent printing mobo among other premium parts