Anker Summer Sale!

This is exciting news. I’ll definitely be looking checking these sales out. Now it only begs the question… do I NEED these items or do I WANT them? Hmmm, wait long enough and my Want will somehow become a NEED. Hahaha. Darn it Anker! Why must you tease me with all your products? :wink:


Buy something with good price! Don’t let it go!:joy:




Does this work in UK :uk: ?


Yes, some products will be offered for British fans too!:blush:


That’s not it’s lowest price. It was $330 2 months ago

I’m still not happy with it’s lack of serviceable parts so even $330 seems high given it can become dead after warranty and your can’t really repair it.


A bit confusing to see that the summer sales page only has 4 waves and does not include wave 5.

I’m glad I found this page though!


For anyone who wants to grab a bargain, here are recommendations:

  • Ahead of time, know what you want, why you want it, read reviews. A discounted item you don’t really want is a waste of money.
  • be ready to act, in the past (all?) have a limited capacity of units can be sold at this price, then the code becomes expired.
  • know how many you want to buy, there has been in the past a limit per Amazon account so buy 1 then try to buy a 2nd may not work as well as buying 2.

So for example I know I want to buy 2 LC40 in USA before the coming winter, and in UK 2 Powerport2 and either 1 Powerport+ Mini or Powerport Slim 5000. If these don’t come in Prime Day they may come up on Black Friday. I also know the price they usually bottom out for (LC40 for $7, etc).


I am worried about which deal would be better for another power bank, Wave 3: power Deal or Wave 4: Prime Day. @nigelhealy do you have any experiences with this?

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It is likely that each product will only have one sale so take @nigelhealy’s advice and know what deal you’re looking for before hand. Then, you won’t have that issue. And if it’s not low enough for your liking, WAIT. There’s a good chance it will be on sale again (or you’ll eventually decide you don’t want it…).


The A1 lamp and probably a Power line+ micro USB cable since the 10’ is a little loose.


A1 has been discontinued for some time. Did you mean E1?

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It is unlikely the same item is in both waves. So what the item you decide you want is likely in one or neither.

The hard part is knowing what you want.

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Knowing what you want is the hardest part. If you spend enough time with gadgetry you know if you need more quantity or more capability.

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And Canada?

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Anker summer sell​:muscle::scream:

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Especially when there are so many options. Anker is tricking us into buying them all!

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Yes. I knew it was one of the two.


Hey currently, this week’s wave says “prime day deal wave 4.”