Anker Solix e1600 reset

Hey there, i just wanted to aka if you have a similar problem and a help to fix it.

I have a Anker Solix e1600 and no possibility to connect to it. I had it connected in my app and had tons of disconections via wifi, but i could always connect to it via bluetooth.

NOW there is nothing… my MI80 is available but the e1600 is not reachable by any ways. Is there a way to set it to default so it reset everything?

Thanks for your help

Essaie de réinitialiser le Bluetooth et le wifi avec les boutons sur la Solarbank (voir manuel d’utilisation fournisseur). Éventuellement réinitialiser la Solarbank avec les boutons de commandes directement sur la batterie. Si ta connexion internet est instable cela peut poser problème. Sinon réinstaller l’application Anker et re-configurer tes appareils mais tu perdra certainement tout ton historique de production.
Les caractéristiques de ton wifi et Bluetooth doivent également être compatibles avec les recommandations Anker (voir manuel utilisation Solarbank)
En dernier recours contacter le support Anker.

Pressing on both boutons of the Solarbank simultaneously during 15 seconds is supposed to reset the battery.

I have the same issue. iOS App 2.3.2 states that the Solix is Offline! Since 2 days the Solix is in an undefined state. Resetting the Internet configuration or the Solix does not help. Connection LED is flashing green but the App is not able to find the Solix. I deleted the Solix in the App - all history is lost :-(. Which is a really bad experience as the data should still be in the Anker cloud. Nevertheless App says the connection to the device is lost. App shows an unknown wlan connection „ Vodafone-c1f9 in the App configuration which came with the last firmware update 1.5.9 by Apr 6th. The wlan-ID is not around my home - I checked with a network scanner. It shows as well that this connection has a nearly 92% quality. My conclusion is that the app got by the update an pre-defined wlan which I cannot delete. Did somebody else experience this? As well I do not see the Bluethooth connection with iOS

I got my Solarbank back into production. After resetting the connection and the box as well deletion of the Solarbank in the App. Surprisingly the app still showed the Solarbank greyed out and as Offline even if I deleted the app and reinstalled it. When I wanted to connect the app always started to reconnect and then stopped, saying no connection possible and the Retry button appeared. Retry Button always ended in no connection possible. By accident I used the small X button to close the connection window. Then suddenly the app started to reconnect to Bluetooth and the greyed out Solarbank was back online via BT. By this I was able to renter the WLAN and the daydream was back online! Very annoying as all my data of the last 6 months are lost! Strange enough that the data was lost but I was not able to delete the grey out Solarbank even with deleting the app and all configurations! Data should be stored on the Cloud! My WLAN Config still shows the Vodafone- Entry which is not in my network!
Really bad Anker experience and the hotline was not reachable.!

Hallo, die Info war perfekt, hatte ein ähnliches problem konnte keine Verbindung herstellen. Mit diese Tip “durch Zufall habe ich die falsche X-Taste gedrückt” konnte ich eine Verbindung wieder aufbauen. Leider fehlen auch die Daten der letzten 6 Monate.
Erreichbarkeit des Support nur schlecht.
Gruß und Danke für den Tip.