Anker PowerCore+ 26800 PD Video Review!

Here is my review of the Anker PowerCore+ 26800 PD. This thing is a beast!

I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback with a YouTube comment or a reply on this forum post in the Anker Community. Thanks for watching!


Awesome review! Great job on the video edit. Thank you for for comparing the PowerCore vs PowerCore+. It was very informative. Sounds like it would be a great addition to a power hungry device. I love that the USB C cable functions as a charging cable for a USB C device and that it could be used to charge itself. I can’t believe that is such a big difference in charge times between the regular USB C vs USB C PD. Thanks for taking the time out to do this review. :slight_smile: You certainly made me want one… unfortunately I don’t really have anything that requires the PD (yet) ;).

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Great job on your video reviewing, Josh! I really enjoy them as they contain all the pertinent info for what you’re reviewing. You should also be commended for your speaking voice and speaking ability and using words to their full extent. I love not hearing “uhhhh”, “yo”, and “you know” as filler words that so many others use constantly. Great job keeping this drivel out of your reviews. Keep up the great work! :thumbsup:


I agree good diction and brevity.


Good video review, it deserve a shout out!:grin:

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Good video review and comparisons Josh :thumbsup:

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With all these pinned reviews you’ll be VIP before your 30!


Another great review, Josh! Nice work!


nice review! Now anker should reduce that price as a thank you hahahah


Sorry, I was staring at that K State hat the whole time. :confused:

Rock Chalk!

Nice review tho!


Great review!


Great video @joshuad11!!! :smile:

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You’re back! Haven’t seen you in a while.

Yeah, this place has changed a lot! I have been working and just haven’t any time to check on the forum. I am setting some time aside at night now to check up and see the latest news. I am really excited about the power draw though!

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