Anker power pack 20100 Review

So here we have my thoughts and views of the anker power bank 20100 none IQ model:

Straight out of the box we have nice packaging which brings me to a warm welcome of my first ever anker product. My last power bank was a mophie power thing xl from like 2012 10,000 milli amps which was at the time the biggest one i could find.

Review :ok_hand:
Now on to the review; so build quality this thing is built to last i mean wow nice clicky on and of button which means that you have to press it to turn it on not just plug and play like my mophie.

Charging time :+1:
This power bank still holds its capacity today which can last me around all week - very useful while camping travelling etc! Charge time this power bank is not the quickest by all means but can charge my iPhone in 30 -45 mins.

Pros and cons
Pros to the power bank solid build will last you forever great anker support. Cons is a little long but apart from that really no cons! fits in my pocket just fine without being too heavy.

Overall a solid power bank and gets another two :+1::+1: from me!


thanks for the crisp review :slight_smile:

please try to edit / include some pictures

Doing that now :+1:

1 Like

Looks pretty good. Some formatting would make it easier to read though :wink:. Can’t wait for the photos!


Nice review. You could split the review in different sections and make section heading bold.

Review looks amazing now! Good job :clap:

Thx for the tips too :ok_hand::+1:


Review looks great after the structuring and pics :slight_smile: :thumbsup:

nice review!

Nice review, a few photos of the Power pack in action will be cool :+1:t2:

Cool! Pictures look good.

Nice review and pics!

Nice concise review & pictures @Alex_Honnor :thumbsup:

Great review and pics :+1:t2:

Good review :clap:

Nice review @Alex_Honnor, good to see that you are loving your Powercore

Nice review!

All well now, structured review and some photos added.
You see, “learning by doing” and we are here to give some hints. :wink:

Looks cool! Thinking of getting a new power bank soon and pass off my 10000 to a family member.