Anyone else ever watch random videos online and randomly spot Anker products in the background? It’s almost like the old children’s book of “Where’s Waldo?” except you can’t always be sure that Waldo (Anker) is going to show up. As much fun as it is to come across something like that, I think it really speaks a lot for the Anker brand and the reliability that goes along with it. These people are trying to advertise/review/sell their own products, and they want to make sure their creations are working all the time. For that, they trust the Anker family of products and I think that’s a better recommendation than someone verbally telling you why Anker is the best.
Today I happened across a video for an Ecto Chair which uses a cooler full of ice water to lower the temperature of the chair while you’re sitting in it to cool you off (living in the south, this sounds like a dream come true! ):
They also have a portable version that can fit over any chair. The power source just happened to be our very own Anker!
Anybody else get excited when they see Anker products in the proverbial (or literal) “Wild”?