Anker Crossword Puzzle (Community Version)

That’s what I did as well.

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I was so scared to hit enter as well which was why I was asking :joy::joy::joy:


Cut and paste for me also - I had the number and part of the clue, then the answer under it in notepad while finding / checking the answers. Then cut and paste the whole thing in to the last field. I was actually expecting them to have separate lines for each answer to make it easier for them to verify the correct answers automatically, but I guess they aren’t expecting an overwhelming number of entries.


So was I because that would make it a whole lot easier. Just scan the input and verify answers instead of breaking up each and what not

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Yippee I found all of them and just submitted.


Yes hahaha
This is more like an active members’ contest. :laughing: so we don’t think there would be too many entries


This is fun… LOL

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:joy: Even though I know you guys know each other quite well, I’m still surprised how accurate all your answers are


We are a family here. My friends thing it’s so weird because sometimes I’ll talk about the community and they try to tell me how I don’t know you guys and to an extent that is true but at the same time we are family.


So true. Talked about community back in late 2018/early 2019 to my friend and he thought I was crazy spending so much time on here lol. Same with my family because they don’t get why I get on livestreams when I do


Yes, those active get to know each other rather well. This was a great idea, and a lot of fun too :two_hearts:


Guten Morgen!!

Thats more than true. :grinning:


Lol. I have the same. My youngest son will see me doing something and say “Hey dad why are you on your Soundcore or Anker all the time.”

After I explain why, I have to remind him of the spirit x that I gave him that he liked so much was anker/soundcore or the apple cords are from Anker. He tends to quiet down for a bit.


I must admit I’ve made a couple good friends on this community. I wouldn’t mind having a drink with most of you guys :beers:


Oh ja!
But now at 7:26 I will have a coffee first.
What about you @shenoy and @TechMan you want one? :rofl:

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Yep cuppa espresso roast for this morn… Marley coffee… yum.

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Oh, I forgot to invite you @TheSnarkyOne, Sorry.
I do always some simple one such way:


No worries, I’m not usually a coffee drinker on the weekends, but this past weeks been rough, up earlier than usual, two hrs less sleep / day.

Dark roast my fav.

Sorry for butting into the coffee thread.

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There is a coffee club.
But there are the real baristas. Not me! :joy:

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I’m still sleeping at that time lol

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