Anker creative team need your help!

No @Chiquinho it must be some other item and must be better than a simple cable

Me too! They won’t tell me, I’ll have to wait for it to arrive! :tipping_hand_man:t4:

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Will be two cables Tiago! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
So uma piada, claro!

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It was a joke, what else do expect from me! :smiley:


Oops …:man_facepalming: I missed to catch that @Chiquinho :ok_man:


Well, @Ice1 @Chiquinho, I just got the email confirmation showing what the surprise is… But can I tell everyone, @AnkerOfficial?

I must say the prospect of keeping everyone guessing is enticing… :sunglasses:


You could start a contest.

You will hand it over to the one who guess it.:joy:


Wow, that was a quick dispatch. Now you made it even more curious what that item may be??
Let the secret be revealed @AnkerOfficial ?
Or, like @Chiquinho suggested let us have a poll and the winner will get another surprise for himself :rofl:
@tiagomota I’m sure it’s something available in Canadian market :wink:

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Well, that narrow it down quite a bit… I can say it’s a nice surprise indeed - nicer than I expected!

excited to see what it is :smiley:

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I was blown away and too happy to see when I got the Capsule from Anker :slight_smile: … was beyond my expectations…

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Wow a Capsule :heart_eyes: That would be nice to see :+1:

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Wow, what did you got it for?

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Anker’s 3 Year Anniversary Auction :slight_smile:
Was a mystery prize

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I’m glad to know you are satified with the reward! Keep up the great work!

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Why the mystery… Tell us :grin:

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Should arrive in a few days, I’ll post a picture here then!


Look forward to it :+1:

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The wait is over!

A nice surprise indeed. My new work headphones! :smile: