Anker Auction House | Soundcore Flare 2

With this auction we should be get a rough idea of who are the issuers with the most powerbucks

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this is different from the midnight… deadline being during the daytime, there will be a lot of users bidding and the last person to bid at 10:59 am will get it…

Oh I just realized they changed the time. It will have an interesting ending for sure

That’s 20:00 in München.
I would, if I could! :rofl:

Now its 20:11 here

Bid 1820 pb

Correct the person who truly wants it won’t be one bidding now as they’re driving up the final bid.

The Powerdraw is bad use of PB, e.g. the vac this week if you burned 1200 PB chances still less than 1 in 4

1920 PB


It is PowerDream…

Well said!

Logic might be… let us set a record for the highest bid, along with draining all the PBs of final auction winner :smiley:


Lol that would be 1 less contender for next auction :joy:

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Hmm so you don’t really want it then lol

Good strategy

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I do want it, it is a more efficient use of Powerbucks than the draw, and I don’t expect to win it by sniping. I would put it in my final bid now if it were that kind of auction. But the best I can do is work towards getting it in the right ballpark.

I think this type of auction would be interesting to see here:

The highest bidder gets it, but pays the amount that the second highest bidder entered. Gives a good incentive to give your true bid and not hold back. Obviously it couldn’t be open bidding like this system. Wouldn’t take as long, the one who is willing to spend the most would get it, and there are easy variants to have multiple winners if desired…

Bid is 2020 PB. I think that means I win, right?


Good luck :+1:

Yea that would nice option to shorten the auction but not as thrilling as watching this :joy:

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I’m thinking @Insider will probably nab this one but I’m game until the end…

I’ll raise to 2050 (very interested but don’t want to kill the fun with 100 buck bids)…


Bid 2150 pb

Upping to 2170 :stuck_out_tongue:

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2270 PB - rise up!

2280 PB bid


2380 PB bid

2480 PB Bid