What in your option does $50 equate to in PowerBucks?
Also, what’s the closing time in UTC or GMT please?
What in your option does $50 equate to in PowerBucks?
Also, what’s the closing time in UTC or GMT please?
$50 = 1000 Power bucks? do you agree? just a rough guestimate based on how much time you spend in community to earn 1000 PB
420 bucks
I have a feeling this is going to go for a lot of $$$. I feel I may not be able to compete.
440 bucks
How can I see how many bucks everyone else has?
Click the profile avatar next to their post
When I do that I don’t see there powerbucks. Is it because I’m on mobile?
450 bucks
I also can not see on mobile but thought I had this option a couple weeks ago.
460 bucks
On their profile. Under their info, change activity to Bucks
Is it safe to assume how many bucks they have earned in total not what they currently have?
Thanks a billion!
Haha no. I believe that’s the amount they currently have.
You’ve got more than the 2 going for it but there are a couple in here with thousands. I could take this but @ndalby could trounce me anytime. Just comes down to what you think your bucks are worth and what you are willing to spend.
I’d prob spend 10x 50 on power draw for a chance for something decent. At least you have a bit more control of the outcome on the auction.
I don’t think I have a chance. Especially if you are willing to spen 1000 powerbucks on it.
480 bucks