Yea, I can’t blame you, but it is a bummer. My colleague in the UK said we’ve struggled with courier issues in the past there, but it seems there should be a consumer-friendly option.
By the way, support did get back to me – I believe you also posted this in the FB Group.
They suggested shutting the device down completely. Here’s how:
How to shutdown? (see the picture below)
Press three buttons [ Button 1- DC (car charger) port button, Button 2- LCD button and Button 4-long Led light button ] simultaneously once, the Button-4- long led light will flash once. The Button 1- DC port button is in blue/white;
Press the Button 3- AC port button and Button 4-long Led light button simultaneously once, the Button-4- long led light will flash once and the LCD screen will be in close.
Press the Button 1- DC (car charger) port button and Button 3-AC port button simultaneously for 10 seconds to discharge the power (must last for 10 seconds), then the Powerhouse is in ‘locked’ status.
If you do the above steps unsuccessfully, you can try a few more times. Once you get the unit in “locked” status, keep it there for 5-10 minutes and then recharge it via AC.