Amazon Unveils 'Halo' Health and Fitness Wristband for $99.99 to Compete with

Interesting concept and may give a good fight to those expensive Apple watches…




My vote still goes to Apple Watch :slight_smile: this has helped in a lot of ways from tracking exercise goals to answering calls while my phone fell in the car seat segment :grin:

Quote from the article: “The Halo’s microphone listens to the tone of a user’s voice throughout the day and reports back on their emotional state. It detects the pitch, intensity, rhythm, and tempo of a voice and then categorizes the instances into “notable moments” that users can go back and review. Users can mute the microphone at any time by holding down the side button until a red blinking LED appears.”

So, based on how the user’s mood is, we can expect emails from Amazon to buy products :rofl:


You mention to a colleague “hey, my phone isnt holding its charge like it used too”
And the next day an Anker PowerPort is delivered. :rofl:

Like the design but not the lack of screen.


I like that wristband :heart_eyes:

Looks like amazon may have found a new way to obscond with data… right Alexa… Alexa… are you listening?.

In all seriousness, this does look quite cool. I have similar Swiss cheese band for my Fitbit.

I’d be curious as to the future features the halo would have like O2 saturation.

Lower cost than its competitors, but at what price?