Congrats to you!
A Summer To Remember
lose weight and cure my sickness
My challenge this summer was/is to spend as much time as possible with my two kids, 13 & 14 year old boys, before they outgrow me and don’t want to hang out with me anymore Despite my personal challenges, my goal was/is to get outside and do as much as I possibly could with them And I NEVER could have done it without Anker keeping me powered up while on the go! Thanks #Anker #ASummerToRemember
My challenge in this summer is lose 9 kilograms to reach the perfect weight…
My challenge is to realize that family and friends are my most treasured asset, and to reprioritize my life so that family and friends are # 1
My challenge this summer is to take each day one at a time, seize the day, and live life to the fullest. YOLO!
I have challenged myself to work out more, eat healthier and have lost 15 pounds so far this summer.
My challenge for the summer is to complete a 50 mile bike ride!
What challenge have you set yourself this summer Do to health concerns I have set the challenge to eater healthier, cut out the excess sodium and sodas, so far Im doing great
My challenge is to make more memories. Be healthier, fish more, bike more, travel more, swim more… fit as much fun into summer with family and friends as possible.
My challenge for this summer is to get out and enjoy the weather. Which for most may seem like nothing, but for someone like me with several chronic issues it’s a huge deal. I have yet to even use the fishing license I bought for myself!
My challenge is to pass Organic Chemistry II, so far so good!
To create a memorable summer
My challenges for this summer, is eating right and working out and be healthy. Always be strong.
Nice challenge.
Have fun when you complete your challenge
To get our twins outside and learning about nature instead of being stumps on the couch!
Be more active!
I want to learn a new language!
This summer, I have challenged myself to bring my kids joy by taking them to parks, events, and other fun locations to make the most of our bonding time. My kids are only young for so long so it’s important for me as a parent to take advantage of this. As we go on our adventures, we take as many photos and videos as possible.
However, reliving and reminiscing these memories in photos and videos can sometimes be cumbersome. Having the Nebula Mars would allow us to relive these memories so much easier as we can setup a Nebula Mars within our bedroom, project the picture onto our wall, and playback the videos via AirPlay, which is incredibly useful as everyone in the household owns Apple products.
My challenge is to spend much, much, more time with my kids. Part of that is to hopefully watch movies on this projector!!