3D Printing Anker Add-ons!

Thanks, I was gonna order but my wife said no because we don’t have the money. I said that’s what credit cards are for and she took mine :joy::rage:


You should have kept some “secret funds” at Paypal! :wink:

I have PayPal, I have 2 credit lines and my business account so I can use it, but Amazon doesn’t offer to pay with PayPal. I can still use my credit card as I have all that info saved in my Amazon account :grin:. But she is right, I’m trying to pay off our debt so we don’t have to deal with it

Of course she is right!
Women are ALWAYS right, aren’t they? :wink:

IDK - I’d probably charge $10 if I had a service. Larger volume services might charge less though.

BRUTAL! :money_with_wings:

Interesting. Okay… that might be a bit much for something I want :joy: