2019 Community T-Shirts Have Shipped!

I think @Tank was… but on the other thread…

Hey @Quinn_Armstrong I actually posted my pic first but I posted in Ankerofficial thread :yum:


I didn’t receive mine today but I’m crossing my fingers I will get it tomorrow :yum:

Haha, beat you to it :joy:

YEAH! I got mine!

But I didn’t realize how dirty that mirror was until I uploaded this photo… :sweat_smile:


Oh you get used to it, especially coming from friends who ragged on about having chest hair at that age too. Comical thing in the end was having a buddy’s wife say that all the groomsmen in their wedding needed to be clean shaven except for me, because I was the only one who could grow a proper beard. Only too 14 years to be able to throw it back at them lol


You have a really cute kid!

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Time to make a video about it :grin:

Much appreciated. She is teaching her mischievous ways to her sister each day.


Soon you gonna have double trouble at home :joy:

Working on my robovac review :grin:

Already do lol. 17 month old and 3 month old girls. At least the adage about “daddy’s girl” is true, because when my wife and I go to pick them up from my in-laws, they immediately want to come to me. They love my wife equally, but dad is the one who makes them laugh and bends the rules when mom isn’t around.

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Don’t spoil them… when you spoil them they’re just like food. They turn rotten…

Can’t wait for it :grin:. You should wear the shirt in the video :joy:

Aww man that’s nice :+1: wish you the best to you and your family :blush:

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Oh hell no, I never do. They eat better than we do, being organic everything, has never had soda, I think chocolate like once or twice and all knows she can try to get away with things but gets caught eadh time. But when it comes to mom saying not to jump from the couch into my arms, what she doesnt know doesnt hurt her lol.

Good. :+1:. You seem like a great dad! :smile:

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Got the T-shirt, looks good!

Got mine today, too! :+1:

My apologies brother!