Who will be the first "Power Buck millionaire"

One from the start of the site. I think I also got like 4 or 5 from the monthly stuff. When they had that Halloween stream, they had a bunch of shirts and bottles and such. I was cringing if my name got pulled for another shirt. LOL

I have found they had a similar feel as the swim shirts. I usually carry one when I go on vacation now. I think it will be good as a swim shirt when I start to get sunburned.

I gave one to my dad. I took one to my in laws to keep their for a sleep shirt and I think I still have about 5 that I can wear when needed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I won one shirt, but I gave it to my son.
I am old styled :smiley:, only shirts with buttons!

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Even though the design was simple, I liked my shirt. Unfortunately they sent me such a large shirt. And I got mine from that Halloween contest lol.
You definitely racked up shirts :joy:

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I am the opposite. At 6ft 2 in., and a little weight gain from Covid eating during teleworking and they are getting tighter around belly. Been able to lose 10 since returning to work.

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Good job :+1: it’s easy to gain but a little bit more difficult to lose. I also put on some weight thanks to Covid :joy: turns out I can eat quite a lot of M&Ms and kitkats without breaking a sweat lol


The number of m&ms I can eat in a sitting scared me
The big tubs they have if im not careful I could just keep going through

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I try to stay away from them for a reason lol. The same goes for the big tubs of Trail Mix :rofl: sometimes I get them from the store and go for days without opening them because I know they will be gone in less than a day. That’s one of my guilty pleasures :weary:

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My other guilt is gold fish I can finish a bag in a sitting without realizing it at all
Now I try to open things and remember to stop and put it out of reach where I have to walk or something to get it

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Call me weird but I never really liked gold fish. When I get stuff in large quantities I usually put smaller quantities in a Ziploc bag and once I’m done I tell myself I won’t eat anymore until the next day. Try it :+1:

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I don’t think it’s weird I don’t know what it is about that that I like

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I just came back from the store and got me a bag of these. Oh they are so good! Unfortunately half the bag is already gone :sob:

Ooooo I’ve never seen those before but they look so good

They were good and cheap, I only paid $1 lol

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Remembers me to those from Vienna



I’m gonna have to look for those before I go home today lol :rofl: