The Anker Treasure Hunt | Find Every Product to Win

Agreed for me I woke up and was like how did people do this at like 2am forgetting that not everyone is in my time zone :joy:

They did it that way before, had to circle the items of two photo difference and upload and then of correct replies a random winner.

This way now, by Sept 4th there will be at least a hundred people who see a common reply and just say the same so chances very low.

Hey why don’t we all edit out answers to 13 and then just before the deadline edit back? Then the hundred L0 who only here for free stuff get an appropriate chance?



That’s great until you forget to change it back and all of us lose because we put the wrong number on purpose

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OK I will take a beer now --> 16:30 -> and there could be 11 or 12 items after.
Much better “light” in the afternoon! :rofl:

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I see 9 anker’s product

I thought to do that, then decided against… put the right number :smiley:

Are you sure!
I see 11 now, after I was able to open that treasure box! :rofl:


I count 10

Great event @AnkerOfficial please do something similar in the near future.

10, geez sneaky sneaky.

How many Anker products in this image?


I take the beer! Prosit!

I got nine.

Did the sight of the beer distract you from counting the Anker products :joy::joy::joy:


If you count 4 Anker products then put the glass down. :crazy_face:

How many Anker products in this image?


@professor I saw 2 in your picture … and only have my coffee mug with me :rofl:

Anker Powercore Charger and 3-in-1 Anker PowerLine II Cable

AHH but which Powercore. Check your knowledge.

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Ten. I can see a scavenger hunt in the future for Anker products on the site in the future

Powercore II 6700 :face_with_monocle: ?


But thinking out loud for a competition, what if they made you actually guess the products exactly, it would then favour true Anker fans?

Sorry I only have 3 Anker products with me right now :nerd_face:


I’m going to play this one smart and wait until the end to comment my answer :sweat_smile:.

I’ll keep looking through the image for more products, and at the end I can figure out what everyone else guessed to help myself out :sweat_smile:.