Test Flare 2 For Free | We Love Testing

I knew it they gonna release a new Flare, gotta get one of those LED light on

That’s **ALOTTA SPEAKER ** playing one music all at once

I signed up couple of years ago… too many items to test, short on time, still keep seeing lot of opportunities, some interesting,

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I have been on the centercode platform for a long time for another company, but didn’t find Betabound until last year. I have participated in one software beta through them directly (anyone could join) and one indirect software (selection). Hardware betas on there are VERY visible and have a high application rate, but I have gotten into one that was posted there but run by another company on their own centercode site. It really is a good platform for dynamic issue reporting and feedback if set up well.

Sign up for the ones that are interesting, and then don’t worry about it until you get selected. My hit rate at this point might be one in fifty or more, I don’t keep track. I think I would be a great tester for most of them, but not everyone is looking for the same things in beta testers - so make sure your profile is accurate and see what comes up.


Good luck everyone :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

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Awesome, I’ll check them out


I would enter, but it’s not picking up my entry for the last test… Anker confirmed receipt of.my.previous review, but the system hasn’t… Help @AnkerOfficial

Can I finally after over 2 years, get my hands on a flare or 2?

I tried to get people involved in a betabound test, but people complained it was spam.

Ha nice I’ve been with them for about 5. I believe we had this convo already, before I changed my username. Lol

I have submitted my testing application!

What was your username before?

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Now I know why I will not been chosen!

Fingers crossed i get selected, pray for me folks

Should I tell my monkeys to “pray” for you.
A real “monkey prayer” is the best! :rofl:

Well i am a big monkey so they would be praying for a fellow brother so sure

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Skipping this testing event, best of luck to all the participants.

Hope to see some stellar review from selected members :+1:

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Just curious- why are you skipping? These seems like one you would like to test, and compare to the mini :smiley:

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This is the first one I have applied for under the new Testing Club page.


Hope you make the cut @Insider :+1:

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I would have thought you would have gone for the robovac? Good luck!

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